(Genesis 13:1-18): Upon his return from Egypt, Abram went back to the place where he first called on the Lord somewhere between Bethel and Ai. This is always a good principle when we leave the LORD and travel into Egypt, a symbol of the world, to return to the place where we left Him. We will always find God there waiting on us.
Because their possessions were great, the land was unable to sustain the herds of Abram and Lot; so there was tension and strife among the herdsmen. Abram pleaded for the strife to cease because they were brethren and suggested they separate. Abram graciously gave Lot the right to choose east or west. Though Abram was in a position to choose first, he yielded that right to his nephew. Abram was a gracious and honorable man. The trip to Egypt was a thing of the past.
And Lot lifted his eyes and saw all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere (before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah) like the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt as you go toward Zoar (Gen 13:10). Then Lot chose for himself all the plain of Jordan, and Lot journeyed east. And they separated from each other (Gen 13:11).
Lot was self-seeking and self-gratifying. What seemed to be the best land, actually turned out to be the worst choice he could have made, for according to Peter, Lot vexed his righteous soul daily with the deeds of the wicked.
Then Lot chose for himself all the plain of Jordan, and Lot journeyed east. And they separated from each other (Gen 13:11). This separation was one of the best things that could have happened to Abram (cf. Gen 13:14). Carnal believers cause unnecessary distraction, tension, interference, and trouble. After the separation, God is able to bless Abram unreservedly (Gen 13:14-17).
Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelt in the cities of the plain and pitched his tent even as far as Sodom. But the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinful against the LORD (Gen 13:12-13). Though Lot was graciously given a choice of the land, God providentially guided his decision because Abram was destined to dwell in Canaan for it was given to him, not to Lot (Gen 12:5, 7).
There was something tender and special about Abram. God appeared to him in Shechem and stated this is your land, and Abram built an altar to the LORD. Then he goes to a place between Bethel and Ai and built another altar and called on the name of the LORD. After the embarrassing fiasco in Egypt, he returned to the place where he left the LORD for Egypt and called on the name of the LORD again.
After Lot left, the LORD spoke to Abram and poured out the blessing – lift your eyes now and look – I give; arise, walk – I give, a land forever and descendants without number. He then moves to Hebron just south of Salem (later called Jerusalem) about twenty miles or so and built another altar to the LORD. Everywhere Abram went, thus far, he built an altar to the LORD for worship, except in Egypt…. a place where worship has no meaning. We can’t expect our worship to be acceptable to God when we are in the world.
Abram was a man who had a personal, genuine, meaningful relationship with God. God appeared to Abram; He talked with him! Abram loved God; God loved Abram and blessed him. Flawed but faithful, blessed, growing, and moving toward greatness was Abram. It had to be an exciting and challenging time for him.
Father, you are my God, the very God of Abraham. You desire Christ-likeness in me, to be God-like in my journey, but I cannot even fill the shoes of the likes of Abraham, a great man of God. I am unworthy to wear the name of Christ, much less to call upon Your name. Lord, I don't want to wind up a righteous failure like Lot. Help me to mortify selfish desires and ambitions in order to distance myself from Egypt's borders. Not Your will but my will is the troubling world. Not my will but Your will is the only place of blessing. <><