This appearance is special because Yahweh reveals Himself to Abram as I am Almighty God. This is the first occurrence of El Shaddai, God Almighty, the Fulfiller of promises, and commands Abram to walk before Me and be blameless. And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly (Gen 17:1-2).
was Abram’s response? It wasn’t “I'd heard this before since I was 75 years
old,” but Abram fell on his face (Gen 17:3). Abram was primed
and ready and in the right posture to hear from God – and God talked
with him. Both Abram and Sarai received a new name that day, Abraham, a
father of many nations (Gen 17:4) and kings (Gen
17:6), and Sarah, a mother of nations and kings (Gen
Circumcision was to be a sign of the covenant between God and Abraham (Gen
17:11). No nation on earth during this time observed circumcision for any
reason, religious, health, or otherwise. Abraham and his descendants were
to accept God’s covenant through circumcision; it was for a sign. Every
biological or procreative function would serve as a reminder to the male from
henceforth that this circumcision is a sign of the covenant between God and
a scar that keeps the memory of it fresh, the scarring of circumcision would remind them of the covenant. The warning was clear and straightforward
that any born or brought into the house of Abraham must receive the sign
or that person shall be cut off from his people; he has broken My
covenant (Gen 17:14), starting with Abraham and Ishmael (Gen 17:11;
Gen 17:23, 26-27). Blessing always follows obedience.
Abraham finally gets a curveball; Sarah will give you a son (Gen 17:16). She is
89 (cf. Gen 17:17, 24, Abraham was thinking nine months ahead in his heart in
Gen 17:17)! El Shaddai, the One who spoke the world into existence, never
rebuked Abraham for falling on his face and laughing at this startling
revelation! Abraham pleads the case for Ishmael who was 13 years old (God had
other plans for Ishmael, Gen 17:20).
God said, No, Sarah your wife shall bear you a son, and you shall call
his name Isaac; I will establish My covenant with him for an everlasting covenant,
and with his descendants after him (Gen 17:19). The time is finally
revealed 24 years later after leaving Haran – at this set time next
year (Gen 17:21). Abraham’s promise of an heir becomes a reality 25
years later. Faith always adjusts to God’s timetable.
Father, Abraham never saw the fulfillment of the land promise in his day or saw
his descendants as a galaxy of stars; the phrase after you is
a reminder of this fact (Gen 17:7-10, five times). But his confidence remained
strong in You. He was a faithful sojourner and a pilgrim in a strange land
until his death.
LORD, I don't possess the patience of Abraham and often get antsy in the
backstretch, wondering if I will ever see the home stretch. Like
Abraham and Sarah, my biological clock is ticking, too! My natural
feelings or impulses feed off the circumstances. May I deny the fleshly
hunger by Your strength. Teach me to be still so that I may know that You are
El Shaddai.
Thank you for reminding me that You are God Almighty, the Maker, and Keeper of
promises, the Creator of heaven and earth. Regrettably, I get so
horizontally oriented and forget to look up at the stars to remind me of
the wonder of the power and majesty of Your Word. You have never failed to
honor a single promise. Nothing is impossible with You. By Your Word, the
world was established. You have stretched the heavens beyond human
comprehension. Through Your sheer absolute power, You transform that which is
impossible to man into a reality.
Nothing is too hard for You, O Yahweh! The stars filled the darkness
of space with Your Word. They declare Your magnificent
handiwork! You spoke the Word and turned back the clock of time for an
elderly woman and blessed her with descendants as numerous as the
stars! This also is a testament to Your power and radiant glory. You
need only to speak the Word to me and something unimaginably
wonderful will come forth from my life for Your glory; speak then to me, O,
Father. Glorify Yourself in me through the Son and in the power of the Holy
Spirit living within me. Give the Word. Your will be done in Your time.
May I sojourn faithfully until then, in Your will. <><