Monday, May 10, 2010

Genesis 4

(Gen 4:1-26): How could Eve ever imagine that her first child would have turned out to be a murderer! How quickly sin manifested itself. We see that the sin nature is transmitted through the seed of man. We are born sinners. We are not sinners because we sin, but sin because we are sinners. The first human death was over worship! The Apostle John referred to Cain as of the wicked one, the devil; the first inhabitant of the land of Nod, a place from the presence of God (Gen 4:16). The firstborn of Adam was a devil; oh, how quickly we see the works of Cain manifest...

I wonder how many times Adam and Eve regretted eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, a million times or more over the course of their long life? Adam lived to be 930 years of age (Gen 5:5).

“Would to God I had never listened to the serpent's lie to Eve! My relationship with God has changed; I am now an outcast of Eden, barred from the tree of life, dust bound, toiling to make ends meet! Everything has changed in the world, and now, my firstborn killed his brother!” So Adam may have cried.

Oh, Father, why are the sons and daughters of Adam so driven to create a godless utopian world, as if that will put an end to that great unexplainable which they abhor calling sin? Dark hearts do not seek the Light because their works are evil. Adam and Eve dwelled in a perfect environment and that turned into an ongoing disaster! Will not many of the inhabitants of earth rebel against You at the end of Your millennial reign of peace on earth and side with the devil as he gathers his brood for one last battle?

When will we ever learn that sin cannot be contained nor domesticated by the will of man? Absolute containment of sin on earth will come only through the glorification of all believers by Yahweh; such glorification is impenetrable and imperviable to sin, and death and hell, and Lucifer and Company (the false prophet, the beast, demons, any other unknown devilish critters, and lost humanity) are permanent inhabitants of the lake of fire and brimstone forever and ever.
 you, LORD, that saving faith in the great sacrifice of Jesus on that wooden cross is our ark of safety in this world covered in deep spiritual darkness. Take heart, O, Adam, another seed was born, Seth (Gen 4:25); from his loins, men began to call on the name of the LORD (Gen 4:26). <><