(Genesis 10:1-32): In Gen 9:19 we learned that from the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, the whole earth was populated. The bridge linking the pre-flood and post-flood world was the sinful nature transmitted by the seed of man. The earth was going to be replenished with men and women but with sinful hearts.
Apparently, Noah had no more children. Noah pronounced a curse on one of his sons’ sons back in Genesis 9. Noah got drunk, and Ham saw the nakedness of his father (Gen 9:20-22). It is hard to draw any solid conclusions on what Ham did other than he saw the nakedness of his father and told his other two brothers; Ham did not uncover his father’s nakedness which suggests that he did not have sexual relations. Why Canaan was cursed is uncertain unless there was involvement on his part in some manner.
One thing for certain is that there was servitude in the Hamitic line. Canaan was cursed to serve Shem and Japheth (Gen 9:25-27). When we read of Noah’s character before the flood (Gen 6:9) and getting drunk and naked (Gen 9:21) sometime after the flood, it is evident that even the godliest of men wrestle with his fleshly nature. This is a reminder of the LORD’s words that the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth (Gen 8:21), even if you live to be 950 years of age! Past spiritual victories are no guarantee of victory in future spiritual battles.
The hedge of protection around Noah and his family from spiritual attack is clearly seen prior to the flood. This is reminiscent of the hedge God had placed around Job. Noah’s intoxication is the first recorded instance of Satan being allowed to break through the hedge surrounding Noah and his family after the flood (Gen 9:21), having a ripple effect with one-third of the population experiencing servitude.
Now this is the genealogy of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. And sons were born to them after the flood (Gen 10:1) ... These were the families of the sons of Noah, according to their generations, in their nations; and from these the nations were divided [emphasis added] on the earth after the flood (Gen 10:31) according to their families, lands, languages, and nations. This obviously takes place after Genesis 11 with the tower of Babel incident, Now the whole earth had one language and one speech (Gen 11:1).
Babel was one of the cities of the kingdom of Nimrod (Gen 10:8-10) that sought to counter the Divine command to fill the earth (Gen 9:1). Let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth (Gen 11:4). Unlike the genealogy of “death” in Genesis 5, this is a genealogy of division. Sin creates division! If they had been obedient and filled the earth rather than congregate, might we all be speaking in one tongue?
God allowed Moses to explain why the descendants of Ham fell into servitude among the nations though it put a blemish on a great man’s name, Noah (Gn 6:9). Father, I am thankful you operate in the realm of truth. Lest we think too highly of Noah, he was not a stained-glass saint; he was a sinner saved by grace. He struggled with the same nature of sin that was given to him by his father as we do with the sinful nature our father gave to us. Most assuredly our sons and daughters will struggle with the sinful nature that we pass on to them.
Acts of sin always yield unintended results; the descendants of Ham learned to be servants. Noah was a great man of God who showed great courage in standing for righteousness in a world full of people who were spiritually dead. He is one of my heroes of the faith. This is the one and only time we know of where Noah showed a sign of weakness; he let his guard down, and the enemy was patiently waiting to pounce upon him. Yes, Satan and his demonic horde were untouched by the great flood in Noah’s day.
the beginning, one-third of the fallen angels (demons) had only one human to contend
with, Adam. Then there were two: Adam and Eve. With the destruction of the
antediluvian civilization, they were now only eight: Noah and his wife and his
three sons and wives. Now, we are talking billions on the earth. The battle to
live a godly life never ends. We never arrive spiritually and constantly in
need of God’s intervention in our lives. There is a constant struggle with our
sinful nature, the evil world system, and the devil and his minions. Thankfully,
there are twice as many unfallen angels in service to Yahweh and supporting Your
sons and daughters!
Thank you, Lord, that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. You are the Source of my strength. May I never be discovered drunk with wine but filled with Your Holy Spirit. Help me, Lord, to keep my heart with all diligence! <><
Thank you, Lord, that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. You are the Source of my strength. May I never be discovered drunk with wine but filled with Your Holy Spirit. Help me, Lord, to keep my heart with all diligence! <><