Monday, May 17, 2010

Genesis 11

(Genesis 11:1-32): Noah was the last member of the 900-Club to pass away (Gen 9:29). Shem was the only son of Noah whose age was given when he died. Shem lived to be 600 years old (Gen 11:10-11), the age of his father when they boarded the ark. We see a precipitous drop in the lifespan of man after the flood; Shem fell 350 years short of his father’s age when he died! Shem probably outlived his two brothers. Godly living, generally speaking, promoted longer life before and after the flood.

After the flood, there was a shortening of days for man. By the time of Terah, Abram’s father, he lived only 205 years. Abraham lived to be only 175 (Gen 25:7). Joseph made it to 110 (Gen 50:22). Moses, the author of Genesis, made it to 120. Now anything past 70 is considered a plus! Holy living still promotes a longer and fuller life within the time God has given to man now.

Whenever Noah's three sons are mentioned together, Shem is always mentioned first because the Messiah would come from his lineage (cf. Gen 9:26; 11:26). Japheth was probably the oldest son, then Shem, then Ham (Gen 9:24).

Nimrod of the lineage of Ham, the founder of Babel in the land of Shinar (Gen 10:8-10) was building a city and a very high tower to be the cultural and religious center of the world. This was in direct conflict with the clear command of God to Noah and his sons to fill the earth (Gen 9:1), scatter, not to congregate for man’s glory, let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth (Gen 11:4). Rather than destroy them, God confused their language so that the people ceased building the city and sought out people of like tongue and went their separate ways.

Once again we see the enemy tempting man to circumvent the commandments of God. Fresh in the memory had to have been the flood stories circulating among the people. The central theme of the flood was that disobedience to God brings judgment. How quickly man lost sight of history in an attempt to shun the Divine command to scatter throughout the earth, not to rally around a city or symbol. Nimrod’s spirit of revolt attempted to prove that man’s way of life was better than God’s. Man always has a better way than God; the flood and the confusion of languages proved otherwise. When it’s all about man, judgment is sure to follow.

Father, with no guarantee of tomorrow, may my life amount to something that brings you honor and glory for You made my life as short as the life of dew. May my spirit stay clear from the selfish enterprises that only glorify the flesh. May my tongue and the language of the Word be one.  

In a world of mixed messages and confusion among believers, may I be seen as a temple of the Holy Spirit and not as a tower in Babel of self-importance. Oh, that my belief and behavior are merged in Christlikeness, speaking one language for your glory for all to hear and see. <><